The Herb Pusha

Regular price $25.00

Fresh, Organic, Sustainably Grown Moringa! The Herb Pusha provides the HIGHEST QUALITY MORINGA on the market! Our Moringa comes freshly harvested from local farmers in West Africa. These farmers believe in natural ECO-FRIENDLY farming. Your support helps support several local African farmers and herbalists. 

🍀🌿Moringa may be used to increase strength, vitality, & energy. It has been referred to as Nature's Multivitamin! HIGH in iron and magnesium. HIGH in Vitamin A & VItamin C!!! Moringa strengthens bones and joints, literally reversing joint damage and pain. Prepare for your pains to subside once you begin on Moringa!

HEALTH BENEFITS: Moringa may be used to increase strength, vitality, & energy. It may be used to support conception, the pregnant person, and lactation! Moringa helps re-mineralize the body following child-birth, while also improving and maintaining milk supply. These vitamins and minerals are GREAT to support the nursing child, and may even be given to infants over 6months and children. Our Moringa Powder may assist those combatting diabetes and regulating blood sugar.

HOW TO CONSUME: Consume 3 capsules daily with liquids. Take a big gulp of water then add your capsule into your mouth , and allow the water to carry it down! It is safe to take with or without food. We recommend consuming your herbs first thing in the Rising(a.m.)! This purchase is a 30 day supply for one person. We also include 10 extra capsules free of charge! These are perfect for those groggy days when you need an afternoon pick me up 🌿

DISCLAIMER: This product has not been aprroved by the FDA. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This Website is for informational uses only. The Herb Pusha is not medically licensed and not responsible for any illnesses and adverse reactions when using any of our herbs or products. It is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed medical/healthcare professional before, during, and after the use of any and all herbal supplements.